disable nodealias ports

disable nodealias ports [port_list | all]


This command disables the Node Alias feature on specified ports. Node Alias discovers information about the end systems on a per-port basis. Information from packets from end systems, such as VLANID, source MAC address, source IP address, protocol, etc. are captured in a database that can be queried.

Syntax Description

nodealias Node Alias feature that maps source IP address, MAC address, host name, and protocol on a per port basis.
ports Designates that Node Alias should be disabled on specified ports.
port_list Specifies on which ports to have Node Alias disabled. Designated as a port list separated by comma (,) or dash (-).
all Specifies that all ports have Node Alias disabled.


Node Alias is disabled by default on all ports.

Usage Guidelines

If the port is part of a LAG, Node Alias should be disabled separately on each LAG port.


The following example disables Node Alias on all ports:

disable nodealias ports all


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 22.2.

Platform Availability

This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, and X695 series switches.